Our Sustainability Story

As an operator, we recognise our crucial role in protecting Magnetic Island’s National and Marine Parks. Our tours offer a perfect blend of showcasing our island lifestyle, educating visitors about Magnetic Island’s unique flora and fauna, and setting an example of responsible behaviour within the parks.

Here’s what we do,

  1. This Is Magnetic Island: Launched seven years ago, this online resource was created out of frustration with the lack of a free, downloadable, and listable resource. We believe in the strength of island operators working together and aim to enhance your experience while inspiring a new way of travelling. A few years ago, Ashleigh was awarded the Young Achiever at the North Queensland Tourism Awards for her work promoting the region.

  2. Natural Environment: We provide fact sheets on local wildlife and appropriate behaviour, inform customers about environmental risks (e.g., sunscreen, plastics), avoid high-risk areas like turtle nesting sites, support Clean Up Days, recycle, and donate to the Koala Hospital and MINT. We also promote and educate guests about community events and fundraisers.

  3. Marine Conservation: We work closely with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) to protect Magnetic Island and the surrounding region. We participate in GBRMPA’s "Eye on the Reef" program and use the "Sightings Network App" to document significant marine sightings during our day-to-day operations. We support local organisations and encourage you to report or assist with injured or sick wildlife whenever possible.

  4. GBRMPA EMC Charges: The Environmental Management Charge (EMC) is vital for the conservation of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. These charges are applied to activities and operators within the park to fund management, monitoring, and protection programs aimed at preserving the reef's unique ecosystems. Revenue from these charges supports research, regulation enforcement, and community education. Magnetic Island Jet Skis pays an EMC charge for each participant on our tours, contributing to the long-term sustainability and health of this world-renowned natural wonder.

  5. Tourism Bodies: We are also members of Tourism Magnetic Island, where we previously served on the committee for six years and contributed to the 'Magnetic Island Master Plan.' Additionally, we collaborate with TEL and Tourism Events Queensland to create some of the exciting content featured about the island (and, of course, our Jet Skis).

Read more about our commitment to sustainability here.

And, here’s what you can do to help us,

  1. Choose a reef-safe sunscreen and make sure to cover up: While on tour with us, you’ll likely be offered a wetsuit or a rashie (depending on the season and weather). We provide these suits for two main reasons: firstly, they offer sun protection, reducing the amount of sunscreen you need to use. Unfortunately, many sunscreens contain chemicals that harm our coral reefs. Secondly, wetsuits (or rashies) enhance your comfort by reducing wind chill, ensuring you have a more enjoyable experience. We’re proud stockists of Little Urchin, an amazing product that is reef-safe and eco-friendly to help ensure the protection of our precious reefs and natural marine habitats. If you didn’t add a Little Urchin product to your order, don’t worry - we should have some available for purchase in the office!

  2. Help us with our Containers for Change initiative! There’s a bucket in the office where you can drop off your recyclable drink bottles. We’ll collect them and periodically cash them in, with the proceeds going to the Magnetic Island Network for Turtles (MINT) or the Magnetic Island Koala Hospital. Our primary focus is on protecting the marine environment, as around 9 million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean each year. By leaving your bottles with us, you’re contributing to the protection of our ocean and helping to preserve the beauty of Magnetic Island for future generations, read more about litter-free oceans here.

  3. Get involved in Citizen Science projects during your trip! It’s easy—just download the Eye on the Reef app, log Echidna sightings on EchidnaWatch, and report any sick or injured wildlife. Magnetic Island is home to several fantastic organisations, and we highly recommend familiarising yourself with their guidelines. The key ones to know are the Magnetic Island Koala Hospital, Magnetic Island Network for Turtles, Magnetic Island Wallaby Refuge, and the Magnetic Island Fauna Care Organisation (MIFCO). You can find all of their contact details on our webpage, Act for the WILD.

  4. Respect Wildlife and Natural Areas: Observe wildlife from a safe distance, stick to designated paths, and follow guidelines from resources such as 'This Is Magnetic Island' to minimise disturbance to natural habitats. To make things easier, when you book with us, you'll receive a Welcome Guide filled with information about your island adventure. If you have any questions or uncertainties, feel free to ask us.

  5. Educate and Share: Discover the environmental challenges impacting your destination by exploring our Travel Guides, which promote conscientious travel and offer insights into the island’s flora and fauna. For even more updates, sign up for our 'This Is Magnetic Island' Newsletter to receive the latest information directly to your inbox. We encourage you to share this knowledge with others to raise awareness and support sustainable practices.